Frequently asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
Does the Fort Collins Christian School offer pre-registration?
Yes. If you would like to pre-register your child, please fill out the application forms along with a check payable to the Fort Collins Christian School and send them to Sam Peterson, School Treasurer. There is a 5% discount for pre-registration. Pre-registration for the '25-'26 school year is not open yet.
When should I register my child?
Regular registration will happen in early August, date TBD.
Is regular attendance required?
Yes. Regular school attendance is one of the most important components of a child’s scholastic success. Absences are excused only for illness, medical appointments, or death in the immediate family. Parents should notify the school before school time of the child’s absence or tardiness.
What type of insurance does the Fort Collins Christian School offer?
Each student is covered by an accident policy, which covers a portion of the medical bills incurred as a result of accidents at school. Insurance coverage begins 15 minutes before school starts and ends 15 minutes after school. Students who have an accident while at school must report it immediately to their teacher. In case of serious illness or accident, the school will attempt to contact the parents or guardian. If this person cannot be reached, and if in the judgment of the teacher, immediate medical attention is needed, the teacher will summon or take the child to receive medial aid in accordance with the signed parental consent to treatment form on file at the school. If the child is medically limited in any way, the parent must send a written note to the school. If it is a continuing condition, a note from his/her physician is needed.
Will your teachers administer medication?
Yes. Fort Collins Christian School staff are authorized to administer oral medication to students during school hours only after the parent and, in case of prescription medication, the physician, has given written and signed permission. It is our policy that such medication will be administered only when failure to receive the medication would prevent the student from attending school and/or feeling well enough to participate in learning activities. We define medication to mean all drugs, both prescription and over the counter.
What's your discipline policy?
Discipline, when needed, is designed not merely as punishment, but as a means of helping the student toward a more meaningful acceptance of Christian rules of conduct as outlined in the Bible and Church standards. In order to maintain an optimum environment for learning, it is necessary to maintain orderly conduct at all times. Respect for authority is the foundation for good discipline. The students must understand that while they are at school or any of its functions, the faculty has the responsibility to supervise their behavior. Parents are asked to help the students understand this need for orderly conduct.
What's the food and drink policy of Fort Collins Christian School?
It is a proven fact that students function much better if they eat healthful, nutritious meals. A good breakfast will help students get off to a good day at school and a good lunch will keep them going through the day. Please make sure your child eats breakfast and brings a lunch to school. Excessive sweets are discouraged and caffeinated beverages are not allowed. Students will not be allowed to leave the premises to buy food or eat lunch unless special arrangements have been made.
Are there off campus school activities?
Occasional field trips, class trips, and performing groups will necessitate students being off campus for the day or overnight(s). All school and classroom policies/rules are in force during any off campus outing. In addition, rules and regulations specific to the event or activity may be introduced. Also, certain points of interest (museums, zoos, etc.) will have rules of conduct. It is expected that these rules be obeyed. Any violation of rules where Fort Collins Christian School is a guest will be dealt with according to the policies of the host and local authorities where appropriate, as well as by Fort Collins Christian School.
How can a parent contact a teacher?
Parents may contact teachers at any time outside of class hours (before or after classes), to address concerns or issues that may arise. Parent/student/teacher conferences are scheduled after the first and third quarters and as needed throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to communicate with the teacher regarding their child's progress.
Yes. If you would like to pre-register your child, please fill out the application forms along with a check payable to the Fort Collins Christian School and send them to Sam Peterson, School Treasurer. There is a 5% discount for pre-registration. Pre-registration for the '25-'26 school year is not open yet.
When should I register my child?
Regular registration will happen in early August, date TBD.
Is regular attendance required?
Yes. Regular school attendance is one of the most important components of a child’s scholastic success. Absences are excused only for illness, medical appointments, or death in the immediate family. Parents should notify the school before school time of the child’s absence or tardiness.
What type of insurance does the Fort Collins Christian School offer?
Each student is covered by an accident policy, which covers a portion of the medical bills incurred as a result of accidents at school. Insurance coverage begins 15 minutes before school starts and ends 15 minutes after school. Students who have an accident while at school must report it immediately to their teacher. In case of serious illness or accident, the school will attempt to contact the parents or guardian. If this person cannot be reached, and if in the judgment of the teacher, immediate medical attention is needed, the teacher will summon or take the child to receive medial aid in accordance with the signed parental consent to treatment form on file at the school. If the child is medically limited in any way, the parent must send a written note to the school. If it is a continuing condition, a note from his/her physician is needed.
Will your teachers administer medication?
Yes. Fort Collins Christian School staff are authorized to administer oral medication to students during school hours only after the parent and, in case of prescription medication, the physician, has given written and signed permission. It is our policy that such medication will be administered only when failure to receive the medication would prevent the student from attending school and/or feeling well enough to participate in learning activities. We define medication to mean all drugs, both prescription and over the counter.
What's your discipline policy?
Discipline, when needed, is designed not merely as punishment, but as a means of helping the student toward a more meaningful acceptance of Christian rules of conduct as outlined in the Bible and Church standards. In order to maintain an optimum environment for learning, it is necessary to maintain orderly conduct at all times. Respect for authority is the foundation for good discipline. The students must understand that while they are at school or any of its functions, the faculty has the responsibility to supervise their behavior. Parents are asked to help the students understand this need for orderly conduct.
What's the food and drink policy of Fort Collins Christian School?
It is a proven fact that students function much better if they eat healthful, nutritious meals. A good breakfast will help students get off to a good day at school and a good lunch will keep them going through the day. Please make sure your child eats breakfast and brings a lunch to school. Excessive sweets are discouraged and caffeinated beverages are not allowed. Students will not be allowed to leave the premises to buy food or eat lunch unless special arrangements have been made.
Are there off campus school activities?
Occasional field trips, class trips, and performing groups will necessitate students being off campus for the day or overnight(s). All school and classroom policies/rules are in force during any off campus outing. In addition, rules and regulations specific to the event or activity may be introduced. Also, certain points of interest (museums, zoos, etc.) will have rules of conduct. It is expected that these rules be obeyed. Any violation of rules where Fort Collins Christian School is a guest will be dealt with according to the policies of the host and local authorities where appropriate, as well as by Fort Collins Christian School.
How can a parent contact a teacher?
Parents may contact teachers at any time outside of class hours (before or after classes), to address concerns or issues that may arise. Parent/student/teacher conferences are scheduled after the first and third quarters and as needed throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to communicate with the teacher regarding their child's progress.