School Supply List (Grades 4-8) Updated '25-'26 supply list coming soon
- One box of colored pencils
- One pack of colored markers
- One pack of water color paints (optional)
- Two or three mechanical pencils and at least two packs of lead refills.
- Three white erasers or one pack of “stick” erasers
- One protractor
- One compass for math
- One calculator (A six dollar Casio at Walmart is good enough.) Scientific calculators are not necessary.
- One pair of scissors (The longer, pointed ones are best.)
- One USB memory stick
- Two glue sticks
- One pack of red pens
- Four Expo Dry Erase markers (fine point, black)
- Eight single subject spiral notebooks: (No binders/refill paper, please!)
- One Bible (any translation)
- Four boxes of Kleenex tissue (regular size)
- Water bottle with a screw on lid
- One pair of gym shoes for indoor use in the gym. No street shoes (shoes worn outside) are permitted in the gym. Shoes must be made for gym use on wood floors. Basketball shoes are best. (They will keep their gym shoes in their lockers for PE and recess when they use the gym.)
“Sharpies” are not permitted in the classroom as they stain the desktops. Also, please do not bring any plastic boxes/containers to be placed on the desktop. Student desks do not have cubbies for textbooks. Textbooks will be numbered and kept on a classroom bookshelf. Notebooks and other supplies will be kept in tubs in a large multi-cubby unit in the classroom. Student desks do have a small center cubby for pencils, erasers, scissors, markers, etc.
Please put your child's name on all supplies.